Symbol Description

Symbol Description Section
\(Y\) \(n \times p\) matrix of partially observed sample data 2.2.3
\(R\) \(n \times p\) matrix, 0-1 response indicator of \(Y\) 2.2.3
\(X\) \(n \times q\) matrix of predictors, used for various purposes 2.2.3
\(Y_\mathrm{obs}\) observed sample data, values of \(Y\) with \(R=1\) 2.2.3
\(Y_\mathrm{mis}\) unobserved sample data, values of \(Y\) with \(R=0\) 2.2.3
\(n\) sample size 2.2.3
\(m\) number of multiple imputations 2.2.3
\(\psi\) parameters of the missing data model that relates \(Y\) to \(R\) 2.2.4
\(\theta\) parameters of the scientifically interesting model for the full data \(Y\) 2.2.5
\(Q\) \(k \times 1\) vector with \(k\) scientific estimands 2.3.1
\(\hat Q\) \(k \times 1\) vector, estimate of \(Q\) calculated from a hypothetically complete sample
\(U\) \(k \times k\) matrix, within-imputation variance due to sampling 2.3.1
\(\ell\) imputation number, where \(\ell = 1, \dots, m\) 2.3.2
\(Y_\ell\) \(\ell^\mathrm{th}\) imputed dataset, where \(\ell = 1, \dots, m\) 2.3.2
\(\bar Q\) \(k \times 1\) vector, estimate of \(Q\) calculated from the incompletely observed sample 2.3.2
\(\bar U\) \(k \times k\), estimate of \(U\) from the incomplete data 2.3.2
\(B\) \(k \times k\), between-imputation variance due to nonresponse 2.3.2
\(T\) total variance of \((Q-\bar Q)\), \(k \times k\) matrix 2.3.2
\(\lambda\) proportion of the variance attributable to the missing data for a scalar parameter 2.3.5
\(\gamma\) fraction of information missing due to nonresponse 2.3.5
\(r\) relative increase of variance due to nonresponse for a scalar parameter 2.3.5
\(\bar\lambda\) \(\lambda\) for multivariate \(Q\) 2.3.5
\(\bar r\) \(r\) for multivariate \(Q\) 2.3.5
\(\nu_\mathrm{old}\) old degrees of freedom 2.3.6
\(\nu\) adjusted degrees of freedom 2.3.6
\(y\) univariate \(Y\) 3.2.1
\(y_\mathrm{obs}\) vector with \(n_1\) observed data values in \(y\) 3.2.1
\(y_\mathrm{mis}\) vector with \(n_0\) missing data values in \(y\) 3.2.1
\(\dot y\) vector \(n_0\) imputed values in \(y\) 3.2.1
\(X_\mathrm{obs}\) subset of \(n_1\) rows of \(X\) for which \(y\) is observed 3.2.1
\(X_\mathrm{mis}\) subset of \(n_0\) rows of \(X\) for which \(y\) is missing 3.2.1
\(\hat\beta\) estimate of regression weight \(\beta\) 3.2
\(\dot\beta\) simulated regression weight for \(\beta\) 3.2.1
\(\hat\sigma^2\) estimate of residual variance \(\sigma^2\) 3.2.1
\(\dot\sigma^2\) simulated residual variance for \(\sigma^2\) 3.2.1
\(\kappa\) ridge parameter 3.2.2
\(\eta\) distance parameter in predictive mean matching 3.4.2
\(\hat y_i\) vector of \(n_1\) predicted values given \(X_\mathrm{obs}\) 3.4.2
\(\hat y_j\) vector of \(n_0\) predicted values given \(X_\mathrm{mis}\) 3.4.2
\(\delta\) shift parameter in nonignorable models 3.8.1
\(Y_j\) \(j^\mathrm{th}\) column of \(Y\) 4.1.1
\(Y_{-j}\) all columns of \(Y\) except \(Y_j\) 4.1.1
\(I_{jk}\) proportion of usable cases for imputing \(Y_j\) from \(Y_k\) 4.1.2
\(O_{jk}\) proportion of observed cases in \(Y_j\) to impute \(Y_k\) 4.1.2
\(I_j\) influx statistic to impute \(Y_j\) from \(Y_{-j}\) 4.1.3
\(O_j\) outflux statistic to impute \(Y_{-j}\) from \(Y_j\) 4.1.3
\(\phi\) parameters of the imputation model that models the distribution of \(Y\) 4.3.1
\(M\) number of iterations 4.5
\(D_1\) test statistic of Wald test 5.3.1
\(r_1\) \(r\) for Wald test 5.3.1
\(\nu_1\) \(\nu\) for Wald test 5.3.1
\(D_2\) test statistic for \(\chi^2\)-test 5.3.2
\(r_2\) \(r\) for \(\chi^2\)-test 5.3.2
\(\nu_2\) \(\nu\) for \(\chi^2\)-test 5.3.2
\(D_3\) test statistic for likelihood ratio test 5.3.3
\(r_3\) \(r\) for likelihood ratio test 5.3.3
\(\nu_3\) \(\nu\) for likelihood ratio test 5.3.3
\(C\) number of classes 7.2
\(c\) class index, \(c=1,\dots,C\) 7.2
\(y_c\) outcome vector for cluster \(c\) 7.2
\(X_c\) design matrix, fixed effects 7.2
\(Z_c\) design matrix, random effects 7.2
\(\Omega\) covariance matrix, random effects 7.2
\(Y_i(1)\) outcome of unit \(i\) under treatment 8.1
\(Y_i(0)\) outcome of unit \(i\) under control 8.1
\(\tau_i\) individual causal effect 8.1
\(\tau\) average causal effect 8.1
\(\dot\tau_{i\ell}\) simulated \(\tau_i\) in \(\ell^\mathrm{th}\) imputed data set 8.3
\(\hat\tau_{i}\) estimate of \(\tau_i\) 8.3
\(\hat\sigma_i^2\) variance estimate of \(\hat\tau_{i}\) 8.3
\(\dot\tau_{\ell}\) simulated within-replication average causal effect 8.4.3
\(\dot\sigma_{\ell}^2\) variance of \(\dot\tau_{\ell}\) 8.4.3