3.1 Item information by ability

In order to illustrate the use of the item information by ability in test construction, we select two sets of 10 items for a potential \(D\)-score instrument. In Table ?? the two sets of example items are described. Both sets have items that appear to assess a wide range of developmental aspects.

Set 1
Set 2
item label tau item label tau
ddigmd057 Lifts head to 45 degrees on prone position 20.0 iyosec001 Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up? 30.2
mdtgmd002 Prone (on tummy), can lift head up to 90 degrees 25.9 denfmd007 Reaches 32.4
iyosec001 Does your child stop crying or calm down when you come to the room after being out of sight, or when you pick him or her up? 30.2 iyolgc004 Does your child make single sounds like “buh” or “duh” or “muh?” 33.0
by1mdd054 picks up cube (check hand preference) 35.2 dmcgmd003 Sits supported 33.6
mdtgmd010 Sits by self well 40.0 griehd011 Hands explore table surface 34.1
gricgd022 Finds toy under cup 45.3 by1mdd054 picks up cube (check hand preference) 35.2
sgrred035 Uses spoon 50.5 by3cgd051 Blue Board Series: 1 piece 55.1
by3cgd051 Blue Board Series: 1 piece 55.1 by3cgd059 Attends to story 60.0
by3cgd059 Attends to story 60.0 cromoc033 Can the child unscrew the lid from a bottle or jar? 64.2
mulcgd200 Matches by shape 65.0 mulcgd200 Matches by shape 65.0

The information for the first item set is presented in Figure 3.1. This set is very nicely distributed over the ability range. So this set of items provides information over the entire range of \(D\)-scores.

Figure 3.2 shows that the second set of items is less well distributed over the \(D\)-score scale. Six items provide information between 30 and 35 \(D\), there are no items between 40 and 50 \(D\) and items cromoc033 and mulcgd200 appear to inform a similar range (around 65\(D\)).

Item information by ability for a set of 10 items nicely distributed over the \(D\)-score scale.

Figure 3.1: Item information by ability for a set of 10 items nicely distributed over the \(D\)-score scale.

Item information by ability for a set of 10 items not evenly distributed over the \(D\)-score scale.

Figure 3.2: Item information by ability for a set of 10 items not evenly distributed over the \(D\)-score scale.