multiple imputation

Broken stick model for irregular longitudinal data

Many longitudinal studies collect data that have irregular observation times, often requiring the application of linear mixed models with time-varying outcomes. This paper presents an alternative that splits the quantitative analysis into two steps. …

Missing the point: Non-convergence in iterative imputation algorithms

Iterative imputation is a popular tool to accommodate missing data. While it is widely accepted that valid inferences can be obtained with this technique, these inferences all rely on algorithmic convergence. There is no consensus on how to evaluate …

Multiple imputation in data that grow over time: A comparison of three strategies

Multiple imputation is a highly recommended technique to deal with missing data, but the application to longitudinal datasets can be done in multiple ways. When a new wave of longitudinal data arrives, we can treat the combined data of multiple waves …

Combining multiple imputation and bootstrap in the analysis of cost-effectiveness trial data

In healthcare cost-effectiveness analysis, probability distributions are typically skewed and missing data are frequent. Bootstrap and multiple imputation are well-established resampling methods for handling skewed and missing data. However, it is …

Flexible imputation of missing data. Second edition.

Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables

We present and compare multiple imputation methods for mul- tilevel continuous and binary data where variables are systematically and sporadically missing. The methods are compared from a theoretical point of view and through an extensive simulation …

Multiple imputation of predictor variables using generalized additive models

The sensitivity of multiple imputation methods to deviations from their distributional assumptions is investigated using simulations, where the parameters of scientific interest are the coefficients of a linear regression model, and values in …

Rapportage veranderingen in het beweeggedrag van mbo studenten

Binnen het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (MBO) wordt veel aandacht geschonken aan het bevorderen van een gezonde leefstijl. Om sport en bewegen duurzaam te implementeren binnen het mbo is eind 2008 het masterplan bewegen en sport opgesteld door de mbo …

MICE: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R

journal: Journal of Statistical Software”; JSSOBK

Variable selection under multiple imputation using the bootstrap in a prognostic study