
The effectiveness of Lifestyle Triple P in the Netherlands: a Randomized Controlled Trial

**Introduction**: Lifestyle Triple P is a general parenting intervention which focuses on preventing further excessive weight gain in overweight and obese children. The objective of the current study was to assess the effectiveness of the Lifestyle …

Rapportage veranderingen in het beweeggedrag van mbo studenten

Binnen het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (MBO) wordt veel aandacht geschonken aan het bevorderen van een gezonde leefstijl. Om sport en bewegen duurzaam te implementeren binnen het mbo is eind 2008 het masterplan bewegen en sport opgesteld door de mbo …

Association of breast-feeding and feeding on demand with child weight status up to 4 years

OBJECTIVES: The mechanisms underlying the protective effect of breast-feeding on the development of childhood overweight are unclear. This study examines the association of breast-feeding with weight gain in the first year, and body mass index (BMI) …

Body size and growth in 0- to 4-year-old children and the relation to body size in primary school age

Excess weight in early life is believed to increase susceptibility to obesity, and in support of such theory, excess weight and fast weight gain in early childhood have been related to overweight later in life. The aim of this study was to review the …

Identifying young children without overweight at high risk for adult overweight: the Terneuzen Birth Cohort

OBJECTIVE: To develop a tool to identify children with high risk of adult overweight (AO), especially before developing overweight, based on body mass index (BMI) standard deviation score(s) (SDS) changes between 2-6 years (y) of age. METHODS: We …

Asthmatic symptoms, physical activity, and overweight in young children: a cohort study

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the Netherlands in 2003 compared to 1980 and 1997

Alarming prevalences of overweight and obesity for children of Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch origin in the Netherlands according to international standards

Comparison of the Quetelet index (body mass index) in Dutch children in 1997 and 1980: New growth references for the detection of underweight, overweight and obesity

Increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in Dutch children, and the detection of overweight and obesity using international criteria and new reference diagrams