
Body size and growth in 0- to 4-year-old children and the relation to body size in primary school age

Excess weight in early life is believed to increase susceptibility to obesity, and in support of such theory, excess weight and fast weight gain in early childhood have been related to overweight later in life. The aim of this study was to review the …

Effects of selective dropout on infant growth standards

Exclusively breastfed (EBF) infants have higher weight gain during the first 2 months, and lower thereafter. The explanation for this phenomenon is not clear. Longitudinal data from the Social Medical Survey of Children Attending Child Health Clinics …

Growth variation, final height and secular trend. Proceedings of the 17th Aschauer Soiree, 7th November 2009

Growth and body height have always been topics interesting to the public. In particular, the stupendous increase of some 15-19cm in final adult height during the last 150 years in most European countries (the “secular trend”), the concomitant changes …

Estimating regional centile curves from mixed data sources and countries

Regional or national growth distributions can provide vital information on the health status of populations. In most resource poor countries, however, the required anthropometric data from purpose-designed growth surveys are not readily available. We …

Growth references for height, weight and body mass index of twins aged 0-2.5 years

WHO Child growth standards in action

Growth references

Growth charts for height, weight and body-mass index of twins during infancy

Towards evidence based referral criteria for growth monitoring

Recent growth data, separately for boys and girls: Adapted Denekamp scale for drug dosage in children