Extract LMS values from a gamlss object for solutions that transform the age axis according to the M-curve.

extractLMS(fit, data, sex = "M", grid = "classic", decimals = c(4, 4,
  4), flatAge = NULL)



A gamlss object containing the final fit on transformed age, t.age.


A data frame containing the original data, with both age and t.age


A character vector indicating whether the fit applied to males sex="M" or females sex="F". The default is sex="M".


A character vector indicating the desired age grid. See ageGrid() for possible options. The default is a grid="classic", a grid of 59 age points.


A numerical vector of length 3 indicating the number of significant digits for rounding of the L, M and S curves, respectively.


A scalar indicating the age beyond which the L, M and S values should be constant. The default (NULL) is not to flatten the curves.


A data frame with rows corresponding to time points, and with the following columns: sex,x,L,M,S.


It is crucial that t.age in data correspond to exactly the same age transformation as used to fit the gamlss object. Age grid values beyond the range of data$age produce NA in the L, M and S values. Parameter flatAge should be one of the values of the age grid.


# NOT RUN { # library(gamlss) boys <- boys7482 # calculate initial M curve data <- na.omit(boys[,1:2]) f0154 <- gamlss(hgt~cs(age,df=15,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), sigma.formula=~cs(age,df=4,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), data=data,family=NO, control=gamlss.control(n.cyc=3)) # calculate transformed age t.age <- fitted(lm(data$age~fitted(f0154))) t.age <- t.age - min(t.age) data.t <- data.frame(data,t.age=t.age) # calculate final solution f0106r <- gamlss(hgt~cs(t.age,df=10,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), sigma.formula=~cs(t.age,df=6,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), data=data.t,family=NO, control=gamlss.control(n.cyc=3)) # extract the LMS reference table in the 'classic' age grid nl4.hgt.boys <- extractLMS(fit = f0106r, data=data.t, grid="compact", dec = c(0,2,5)) nl4.hgt.boys # flatten the reference beyond age 20Y (not very useful in this data) nl4.hgt.boys.flat <- extractLMS(fit = f0106r, data=data.t, flatAge=20) nl4.hgt.boys.flat # use log age transformation data.t <- data.frame(data, t.age = log(data$age)) f0106rlog <- gamlss(hgt~cs(t.age,df=10,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), sigma.formula=~cs(t.age,df=6,c.spar=c(-1.5,2.5)), data=data.t,family=NO, control=gamlss.control(n.cyc=1)) nl4.hgt.boys.log <- extractLMS(fit = f0106rlog, data=data.t) nl4.hgt.boys.log # }